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Big Data Lab

In this lab, the researchers and student focus to study and develop algorithms for BigData such as skyline query processing, MapReduce, and others.



Big Data Lab

Currently, we develop a new MapReduce Skyline queries and upgrading products recommendation system. Many existing MapReduce Skyline queries algorithms have been published by researchers around the world. We develop a new MapReduce Skyline algorithms that improve the partitioning and filtering strategy. Besides that, we also develop a decision-making system for upgrading products that is based on Skyline and Top-K approaches.


Big Data

The increasing of achievements in information technology produce the large size of data that is very popular today. Generally, it has four characteristics that are volume, variety, velocity, and veracity. These characteristics are also called by ā€œ4Vā€. Because of these characteristics, the Big Data needs sophisticated algorithms to process and powerful Computer machine.


Skyline Queries

A query to find data points that are not dominated by any other points is called by skyline queries. It is very useful for decision-making system. Skyline queries computation is hard for high dimension and large size of data. It attracts many researchers to find an efficient algorithm or to discover the valuable variants and applications of skyline queries.



Currently, we develop a new MapReduce Skyline queries and upgrading products recommendation system. Many existing MapReduce Skyline queries algorithms have been published by researchers around the world. We develop a new MapReduce Skyline algorithms that improve the partitioning and filtering strategy. Besides that, we also develop a decision-making system for upgrading products that is based on Skyline and Top-K approaches.

Publications and Researches